We’re here for solutions, not just tax

New or prospective investors

We hold your hand so that you maximise the result of your efforts and hard earned deposit. This involves getting the structures right, maximising your expenses, knowing what to ask for and when, and then having a pain free experience with the tax man.

Government Incentives and Grants

We have an in house expert covering State and Federal Government subsidies and grants. During the pandemic, this has been of great value to such a large part of our client base. During the recovery there continues to be support that is sometimes difficult to access or know about without professional help.

Small Business Stresses and Strains

We help businesses of all sizes up to $12m annual revenue, to grow, become more profitable, pay no more than necessary in tax, and eventually sell for good money. We can assist in negotiating with banks and in keeping lawyers on the straight and narrow. We are your one stop source of development intelligence for your business.

The loss of Loved Ones

We’re all so lucky that dealing with the passing of a loved one is a rare occurrence. We liaise with your lawyers (or we can refer you) so that the asset distribution and taxation side of this sad situation is efficient, cost effective and as painless as possible.